My Friday Finds

I come across so many interesting blog posts across the 'net, I thought I'd share some interesting ones.  Since I'm not adding new content here yet, I might as well share other people's thoughts and information!

Your Thyroid: Understanding The Keys To Health from Food Renegade really hit home for me.  I was diagnosed last fall with hypothyroidism and have been exploring ways to manage it without synthetic hormones.

Real Gardening vs. American Lawncare from Kitchen Stewardship, along with her related post Michael Pollan on “Can Grassfed Feed the World?” were wonderfully well written and brought up a good point on whether the whole world can be supported by eating real, whole foods (my thought: of course, that's the way God created the world to be!)

That's a good start. :)  I think I might start doing this on a regular basis as I need a way to share all the good stuff I read.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the Kitchen Stewardship blog and I love Michael Pollan, naturally. I hope you can share links more, saves me from having to find them! ;)


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